Sunday, October 14, 2018

Ways to increase Happiness

Many people believe that happiness is having fun at a party, the thrill and passion of sex, the excitment or the delights of a fine meal. 

These are wonderful experiences to be cherished but they are not happiness. 

These  experiences are just the definition of pleasure.They are just experiences to have & let pass. A  meal to savour, then digest. A party to enjoy and let wind down. A passion to enjoy and warm afterglow to linger on. 

Chasing happiness is not pleasure .

Happiness is when your life fulfills your needs. In other words, happiness comes when you feel fulfiled & satisfied. It is a feeling of contentment. 

Below are some ways to increase your happiness ;

1) Start each day with a smile : When you smile, you not only trigger smile muscles in others you also benefit. 
Smiling activates neural brain circuits associated with well-being and happiness. It also feels good to smile,  especially when you do it regularly. 

2) Do what you're most passionate about : Pursuing your passion is highly conducive to increased happiness and contrary to a mistaken notion that to do so is selfish. When you do what you are most passionate about, you are helping develop your potential,  contributing to higher self-esteem & overall well-being.

3)  Choose to be positive and see the best in every situation : A positive attitude increases happiness and well-being.  If you have always seen life as a glass half-empty proposition, turn that assumption around and strive to see situations as a glass half-full. 

4) Live in the moment: Worrying about the past or anxiety about the future is just a waste of time. In order to add to your happiness quotient, change your mindset so that you can live in the present. 
     When you do that you are more aware of your surroundings, how you feel, family, friends ,co-workers and everything in your immediate environment .
     Being present is a pro-active way to increase your happiness. 

5) Connect with others : Social connection boosts happiness and well-being. Research found out that happiness is a " collective phenomenon " with people 's happiness dependent on the happiness of those with whom they connect. 

6) Walk in nature : Walking in nature helps to improve your mood and also triggers happiness. 

7) Read Inspirational blog posts : I do this a lot whenever I feel sad, it improves my mood and motivates me also.  I think you should try it too.


  1. This is a great post and some wonderful ways of increasing happiness. I especially love "Choose to be positive and see the best in every situation." That's advice that I live by. Good luck on your blog journey. You can check me out here.
